DEFENCE LOTION contains essential oils such as Neem Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Eucalyptus and Lemon grass and it is suitable for all dogs breeds. Soothes the skin, shines the coat and eliminates bad smells.
PACKAGING: 200 ml bottle
At the beginning, spray DEFENCE LOTION against the growth once every two days, three times consecutively; after, one application per week will be sufficient.
Follow the same instructions for dog beddings.
There is wide evidence that some essential oils, as Neem Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Eucalyptus and Lemon Grass, are really unpleasant to insects. DEFENCE LOTION contains these essential oils.
Unpleasant to insects, it is not harmful to our pet friends and is also suitable for dogs who live at home.
WARNI NGS: Product for dogs only – External use – Do not apply to skin wounds or eyes – Keep out of reach of children.